Все Студии Татуировки и Пирсинга


Фотография Inktotem 0
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Фотография Inktotem 5

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Уровень цен
Час работы мастера
Коррекция татуи­ровки
Пирсинг мочки уха
Рейтинг доверия
на 60 лет Октября 121 - 315
средние цены
средние цены
от ~1900 р.
от ~2500 р.
нет услуги
Family Алексеева 46
цены выше среднего
цены выше среднего
от ~2800 р.
от ~2500 р.
от ~950 р.
на Сосновского
данные не предоставлены
данные не предоставлены
данные не предоставлены
на ул. Диктатуры Пролетариата
низкие цены
низкие цены
от ~1800 р.
от ~1800 р.
нет услуги


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Sergey Fun Game
Sergey had a fantastic experience at Inktotem. He awarded Nikita a solid 5 stars, impressed by his mastery in the Scandinavian style. Sergey had contemplated his first tattoo for seven years and ultimately trusted Nikita without regrets. He found Nikita to be an excellent artist and a great conversationalist. In terms of cleanliness and sterility, everything was top-notch, with no room for nitpicking. For anyone seeking high-quality tattoos, Sergey wholeheartedly recommends turning to Nikita.

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    Спасибо большое

    Ответ от администрации:

    Алексей Пирожников
    Alexey is delighted with the work of Nikita, the tattoo artist at Inktotem. In his opinion, Nikita is a true artist, especially when it comes to Scandinavian-style tattoos. Alexey confidently asserts that Nikita is one of the best in the world, not just in Russia. He found the studio's atmosphere to be beautiful and cozy and enjoyed engaging conversations with Nikita, who he describes as a pleasant conversationalist. In terms of cleanliness, Alexey couldn't find any faults and claimed that no clinic could match the level of cleanliness at Nikita's studio. He gives it a solid 5 stars.

      Ответ от студии:

      Спасибо за теплые слова :)

      Ответ от администрации:

      Марина Зуева
      Marina spent a long time searching for a skilled tattoo artist to create a high-quality color tattoo. She soon realized that there weren't many options in Krasnoyarsk. After discovering Nikita and seeing his work, she knew he was the right choice. Marina is thrilled with the result of her tattoo; it's beautiful, precise, and simply exquisite. She considers Nikita a master of his craft and plans to recommend him to others. Despite being nervous for her first tattoo, everything went smoothly, and she felt at ease throughout the process. In summary, it all went as smooth as butter.
        So Close
        So Close is relatively new to the world of tattoos but has already visited several tattoo artists. Despite the search, So Close hasn't seen better work than what Nikita at Inktotem offers. They appreciate Nikita's dedication to perfection and plan to continue working with him. They already have a sketch for a new project that they'll start next year.
          Евгений Суханов
          Евгений is thrilled that Nikita, the best tattoo artist in the city, has moved to his own cozy studio. Nikita's tattoo execution is top-notch, and his breathtaking tattoo designs leave Евгений amazed. He highly recommends Nikita to everyone and plans to continue working with him. In his opinion, Nikita is the best tattoo artist in Scandinavia, without a doubt!

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            Inktotem в рейтингах

            Рейтинг доверия показывает нашу уверенность в том, что компания является добросовестной (не является мошенниками, не "развод", не "фирма-однодневка" и т.д.). См.
            3.5 балла
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